2013: Fall storm
Crazy storm happened! We got home after working at school one night, and the winds were blowing like crazy. We drive a sorry excuse for a car – a Smart fortwo – so sometimes when we were standing still it would feel like someone was pushing the cars so it would wobble!
In the parking lot at home thankfully all the cars were safe, but a trailer got pretty crushed by a tree falling on top of it.
So many trees fell that night – one even fell onto the the dorm building over some guy’s window – thankfully the window didn’t break.
When I took this picture I thought the chair was somehow blown up from the ground – but later I realized that it probably was blown down from the roof terrace that’s on top of our apartment – the picture was taken from our front door.
The day after I went back to school and one of the doors had its window blown in by the wind – so the maintenance guys covered it with plywood so people couldn’t just walk into the building.
That was a really crazy day!