2013: Hair and makeup looks
God I miss my long hair ! So many times have I gone from long hair to extremely short and then grown it back out. I love having long hair, but sometimes I get tired of the hassle and just chop it off. But then after, like, 6 months or so I miss the creative things you can do with long hair, so I let it grow back 🙂
Here are some of the looks I did during the end of 2013 (picture quality varies). I love doing new thing with my hair and makeup, and watches a lot of youtube videos for both to get inspiration.
Sadly I am not really a morning person, so getting up early to play with my hair and/or makeup can be a challenge 🙂
So most of my creative makeup and hair is done during the weekend when I don’t have to get out the door early.
Keep on looking for more looks 🙂