Catching up 2014: Visiting friends in Vienna, cutting my hair, getting engaged and much more!
Hey guys.
This post is meant to try and catch up the events of 2014, as I am quite behind on these blog posts 🙂 . So I’ll basically take you through the most important events of the year, and throw in some random pictures of myself with hair and/or makeup that I’m proud of.
In the picture to the left, I’m loving the dutch braid wrapping around my head and going down my shoulder. The eye makeup I’m pretty sure is made with a Louis Young palette, that has a beautiful rusty, red colour that I used in the crease.
Now, on this picture I’m using the Urban Decay Vice 2 palette on the eyes, to create a sultry, dark look. I’m a big fan of sultry looks, but they just take so damn long to do, so I rarely get to play with them in the weekdays.
In mid June I turned in my master thesis on how to fight Legionella in hot water systems when having low temperature district heating, in apartment buildings etc. A few weeks later I defended it and passed with flying colours! Super excited to be finished with this chapter of my life. I loved going to the university, and the people I met during my studies, but it was kind of exhausting as well 🙂
In the end of June the family (my parents, my two brothers and our significant others) took a trip to the summer house. The weather was really nice and sunny, but sadly a bit too cold for my taste – but that is to be expected in the Danish summer. We had a really great time. My big brother and his girlfriend even got fully into the water and swam around – I only put my feet and lower legs in, because it was too bloody cold! I have concluded that they are more vikings than I am.
In July my boyfriend, a friend and I went to Vienna to visit another friend who moved to Vienna to work on a PhD in medical engineering.
Damn, unless you like it insanely hot, don’t go to Vienna in July. I think it was above 35oC everyday, with the sun shining from a clear sky. This would be great if we were just hanging around a pool all day, but we were walking all day doing sightseeing – I should have worn a step counter! I think it would have been off the charts.
Anyways. We had a great time with our friends (the guy we were visiting even had gotten a girlfriend). We went to a amusement park, and a lot of historic places – the three pictures to the right are from a palace garden from some royalty so they would have a place to spend their holiday.
One of the hottest days we went to the beach – well not really a beach, more of a rocky place by the water on a small island in the river. It was really nice sitting there with our feet in the water, and with a beer/radler in our hands (a radler is a beer/lemonade mix which is delicious if your not a huge fan of beer alone – the drawback is a lower alcohol content, so it’s more difficult to get drunk on, but works excellent for hydration on a hot day).
One day our two friend went on a hike in the nearby mountains to go to some wineries and enjoy the view. My the bf and I decided to stay back in the city to relax our feet a bit (we are so not used to walking several kilometers each day). So we took a trip to a mall, where there was AC and cafés. So we strolled around looking at shops, and got delicious apple cake at a cafe.
When we got back and met up with our friends, we were so happy we didn’t join them on the mountain – they were so sweaty and dehydrated after walking in the baking sun and drinking wine all day.
After a week we were headed back home. Because we had an insanely early flight, and no way of getting there except a taxi that may or may not come at the correct time, we chose to head to the airport the night before, and basically spend the night there. I can tell you it’s incredibly boring to spend a night in an airport where everything is closed. So we read, slept or whatever we could find to amuse our selves. We had brought lots of snacks and drinks so we wouldn’t be left wanting.
Back home the temperature had also gotten quite high, so loose clothes, bikini tops, and my hair away from my neck was my go to style the rest of the summer.
During the time I wrote my thesis I applied for a trainee job, where it would be a year in a district heating supply company, and a year in a district heating consultant. And I actually ended up getting the job! So mid August I started in the supply company, where I basically worked on data analysis, finding the costumers with bad cooling, and lots of other stuff.
In October I got a drastic hair cut. I have never had my hair this short, mostly because the people cutting my hair always refused due to my hair being so thick and stuff, so they feel like it’s a shame to cut it. This was the first time my hair dresser actually agreed with me (she still thought it was a shame to cut, but she respected my wishes). I keep going through this cycle where I cut my hair short because I get tired of dealing with long hair – it takes forever to wash, there’s hair everywhere. And then I let it grow back over the next couple of years because I miss the options if the long hair – all the hairdo’s I can do, and I love playing with new styles and braids and stuff.
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Louise, the mom to be, and Jeanne, my other good friend from high school |
One of my best friends from high school got pregnant during the year, so her mom held a baby shower for her. There was no silly games, other than people trying to guess how big she was around her waist. I think it was a little over 1 meter 🙂 . About a month after this night she got a healthy baby boy 🙂 .
October 10th my boyfriend proposed to me! Super exciting. Of course I said yes 🙂
He had been going to his grand parents to learn silver smithing from his grand father, so he even made the rings himself. So in 2015 we are planning to hold the wedding.
We spent Christmas at my parents house, well Kim came later – he had dinner with his own family and then joined us afterwards (right in time to open presents). Kims family always start early, and then finish early, but my family have a tendency to run a little late, even for Christmas 🙂 . I kept my makeup simple as it was just family, and I didn’t want to spend too much time on it.
And then it was new years eve. The eye makeup I’m pretty sure is done using Urban Decay Naked 2 palette, with a yellow/gold coloured eye shadow stick under the gold to make it pop. The eyeliner is likely a gel line, I can’t recall. The lip I think is stila lip and cheek stain in either pomegranate crush, or acai crush.
So that was 2014! The plan is to catch up with 2015 at the same time as 2016. So there will be posts from 2015 mixed in with 2016.
This will hopefully give me time, and incentive, to do more posts about makeup, beauty or other things that I really want to do 🙂 .
I might even change the name of the blog before I get too many readers, because I’m not happy with the current name, as it is too difficult to pronounce and spell if you don’t know it already.
That will be all for now. See you around 🙂