MAC Haul – Eyeshadows Galore!
When we were in the states last year, I bought a lot of makeup since it’s stupidly cheap there compared to here in Denmark. These MAC eyeshadows would have cost 50% more in Denmark than in USA so I was so eager to buy all the eyeshadows. But I had to settle on 15 single eyeshadows.
MAC has been one of my favourite “popular” brands for a while, since it is one of the easiest ones to get here, and I can get everything in their collection – often times, with other brands, I can get some of their collection, but then some of their newer stuff (like 6 month old stuff sometimes) isn’t available! Super frustrating. It’s nice to know that I can count of MAC to have the things I see in videos and blog post. Though their limited edition collections are still a bitch to obtain (as it is everywhere).
The colours are chosen based on a recommendation from Rebecca Shores (here). Some of the shades she recommended wasn’t available, so the awesome sales lady at the store chose some colours that were close. It was so funny, the sales lady had grown up with two friends, sisters, from Denmark, so she kinda recognized my accent.
Anyways, these are the 15 shades I got:
- Indian Ink – Deep eggplant (matte)
- Embark – Intense reddish brown (matte)
- I’m Into It – Dark red brown (matte)
- Haux – Soft muted rosy brown (satin)
- Print – Muted gray with shimmer (satin)
- Brun – Muted blackish-brown (satin)
- Vanilla – Peachy-ivory with reflects (velvet)
- Mylar – Creamy-white with shimmer (satin)
- Shroom – Soft beige with shimmer (satin)
- Star Violet – Pinky-brown plum (veluxe pearl)
- Coppering – Orange copper (veluxe pearl)
- Rule – Vivid orange (matte)
- Nylon – Pale gold with icy shimmer (frost)
- Cranberry – Red-plum with pink shimmer (frost)
- Satin Taupe – Taupe with silver shimmer (frost)
I also got a palette to put them in since it would be a mess without it.
What a beautiful sight 🙂 . It may seem like I haphazardly threw the shades into the palette, but there is meaning to the madness.
The goal was to sort them by finish, so I wrote down the descriptions and finish of all the shadows, and then sorted them from matte to shimmery – though I fucked up and wrote a wrong description for Rule, so it’s placed as a Veluxe Pearl, even though it clearly is a matte shade.
I did kinda wonder why it was no way near as pearlescent as the other ones in this category, but just figured my eyes were deceiving me.
But let’s get on with the swatches. All swatches are finger-swatches on bare skin.

All these 3 matte shades are great for using as a liner (Indian Ink is such a fun colour to use as liner, I can’t wait to play more with it), or for darkening the outer corner. Indian Ink might need a sticky base to make the colour really pop and true to the colour in the pan, but purples are notoriously difficult to make, so I can live with it. I’m totally in love with I’m Into It – I’m on such a warm/ red toned brown kick at the moment, so this really hits the spot.

Then we have 3 satin shades. Haux isn’t as pigmented as I thought, but it works great for a transition shade in the crease, or a soft wash of colour over the lid. Print is great for a soft liner when doing a light eye. Brun is a bit darker, so can be used as both liner or darkening an eye look and will suit pretty much any eye look, since it’s fairly neutral toned.

It was a total coincidence that these 3 shades got sorted from least to most shimmery, but I like it – it makes it so much easier for me to choose a colour when doing my makeup, since they look so alike in the pan (like, Shroom is not always the best colour to chose for a brow highlight, unless you want to look like a model from the 90’s). So these are basic highlight shades, Vanilla is Velvet and Mylar and Shroom is Satin. Every palette needs at least one good highlight shade 🙂

Then we have the Veluxe Pearl, with the elusive Rule that’s actually matte. But it works out pretty nicely, since Coppering and Rule fit together colour-wise. I was slightly dissapointed in Coppering, when I used it for the look further down, since the pigmentation wasn’t as high as I would have like. But if I had used a paint pot or another sticky base, it would have been better than using on top of powdered skin (which was what I did here)

Last but not least, we have the Frost colours. Nylon is another great highlighter shade for the inner corner or even the face, Cranberry is a beautiful red colour – another one of my current kicks. And Satin Taupe is a great taupe colour, that everyone raves about, so I couldn’t not get it.
Overall I’m super happy with the colours in the palette. The colours are smooth and easy to blend, but some of them needs a hand to get proper pigmentation, but that’s not really something that bothers me. A surprice favourite is Rule, which is a totally awesome crease colour that really makes my eyes pop.
If I were do this again, I would remove some of the highlight colours, since I find 4 to be a bit excessive, and then probably get a really dark colour instead (like Carbon or Smut).
I did a look with some of the shadows, and I really like the way it came out.

For the eyeshadow look I used Vanilla as a base shadow and brow highlight, Rule for the crease and lower lash line, Coppering as a lid colour (as I have mentioned before, it would pop more with a sticky base), I’m Into It to darken the outer corner as well as the upper and lower lash line, Shroom for an inner corner highlight.

For the rest of my face (and eyes) I used:
So that was my haul! I would love to have their entire collection, but that would be way too expensive. I’m loving the colours I got, and can’t wait to get more of their stuff when the money starts rolling in again.
Have you gotten anything nice recently – makeup or otherwise?
One thought on “MAC Haul – Eyeshadows Galore!”
Enjoyed reading through this, very good stuff, thankyou .