Going to a performance = an opportunity to wear a lot of makeup
So this is just a look I did, when I actually had time to spend on my makeup. The eyes are the Vice 2 palette, and this lips I think is a Gosh Velvet Touch Lipstick in 002 Matt Rose.
My brother and his girlfriend did a performance (glass/vocal music combo) in the town we bought an apartment in as the sound group called “Duo Demona”. So we went there, and my mother, stepfather and my aunt was also there to see them perform. It was in a really cool (both literally and figuratively) old water storage “bunker”. The acoustics of the room was great with the performance. The performance itself was pretty cool as well – kind of a moody, ambient music style, where no two performances are the same, they just listen to what the other is doing, and then try and match/enhance the sound. They had a crazy setup on a tiny table – which was filled with cables, wires, pedals, glasses half filled with water etc.
After the performance my mom wanted to see our new apartment, so we went there while the artists was packing their gear – but since we didn’t have a key yet, we only saw it from the outside.
Then we went and picked up the duo, and went for dinner in a local restaurant.
We had a great time with the family – mom was back in Denmark to visit her dad.. Wait, I don’t think I have told you about my mom moving to San Francisco!
So, last year my mom and stepdad figured if they wanted to stay abroad for a couple of years, now would be the time – my brothers and I are not getting children anytime soon. So mom tried to get a job in the states, preferably close to New York/New Jersey, through her current job. After being turned down for a couple of jobs on the east coast, she tried the west coast – where she landed a job in SF! – Super exciting stuff.
So this summer we are going to visit her and my stepdad in SF (where you bet I’m gonna buy a whole lot’a makeup). I can’t wait 🙂
On another note. I’m changing the name of the blog soon – I haven’t found a name yet, but I will soon.
See you later.